Jesus himself was a guest at a wedding in Cana
We've heard it all before
He turned water into wine
(It's our proof text against puritans)
Vintage stuff.
Jesus was a guest ... of humanity
The heavenly host who laid on a harvest of abundance for the world
The creator
My provider
Became the guest
Of the animals in the stable
The villagers in Nazareth
The religious leaders in the temple
The prostitutes
Tax collectors.
He let us play host,
Did away with the VIP pass
Ate, drank and was probably merry
Became one of us
Dined at our table
Ate the same bread, drank the same wine -
Everybody having a good time
Shared stories
Shared our story.
When he left the table
He left bread and wine
He left himself
The guest
Once more
Became the consummate Host.
Johnny Baker, Steve Collins and Kevin Draper -
