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Writer's picture: PhilPhil

The Fourth Joyful Mystery: The Presentation in the Temple

"Simeon took him in his arms and praised God, saying, "Master, now you are dismissing your servant in peace, according to your word; for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel" - Luke 2

REFLECTION When Simeon saw the child Jesus, he saw God.

Sometimes we hope for this in our own faith lives:

that Christ will appear before us and we will have no doubt it’s him.

Though we may not see Jesus in this life in the way that Simeon did,

his story reminds us that children can lead us to Christ.

As Jesus says later in his public ministry, “

Whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me.” (Matthew 18:5)

"Candlemas" by Malcom Guite

They came, as called,

according to the Law.

Though they were poor

and had to keep things simple,

They moved in grace,

in quietness, in awe,

For God was coming with them

to His temple.

Amidst the outer court’s

commercial bustle

They’d waited hours,

enduring shouts and shoves

Buyers and sellers,

sensing one more hustle,

Had made a killing

on the two young doves.

They come at last with us

to Candlemas

And keep the day the prophecies came true; We glimpse with them, amidst our busyness, The peace that Simeon and Anna knew. For Candlemas still keeps His kindled light, Against the dark our Saviour’s face is bright.

Your light is the only light I need as I travel through life’s mystery.

Your word the only voice I hear, that still small voice that leads me to the place where I should be.

Your presence is the only company

I need,as I walk this narrow road.

Your fellowship the warmth I crave to help me on my way.

— John Birch


In his relationship to Jesus, Joseph was the earthly shadow of the heavenly Father: he watched over him and protected him, never leaving him to go his own way.

In a similar way, Joseph acted as a father for his whole life.

Fathers are not born, but made.

A man does not become a father

simply by bringing a child into the world,

but by taking up the responsibility to care for that child. (Patris Corde)

God, the source of all insight,

whose coming was revealed to the nations

not among men of power but on a woman’s lap:

give us grace to seek you where you may be found,

that the wisdom of this world may be humbled

and discover your unexpected joy. Janet Morley

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