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Writer's picture: PhilPhil

The eternal God is your dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms.

Deuteronomy 33:27


I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands. Isaiah 49:16

It depends on whose hands it's in.


A football in my hands is worth about £20. A football in Lionel Messi’s hands is worth about £500 million.

It depends on whose hands it's in.


A rod in my hands might catch a fish.

A rod in Moses' hands

will part the mighty sea.

It depends on whose hands it's in.

A tennis racket is useless in my hands.

A tennis racket in Carlos Alcaraz's hands is a Wimbledon Championship.

It depends on whose hands it's in.


A sling shot in my hands is a toy.

A sling shot in David's hands brings down giants and wolves.

It depends on whose hands it's in.


Oils and ointments in my hands is a pleasant perfume in my room.

Oils and ointments in Mary Magdalene’s hands -

is the sweet savour of resurrection

to downhearted disciples.

It depends on whose hands they're in.


Two fish and five loaves in my hands is a plate of fish sandwiches.

Two fish and five loaves in Jesus's hands will feed thousands. It depends on whose hands they're in.


Nails in my hands might produce a bit of fence. Nails in Jesus Christ's hands makes salvation for the entire world. It depends on whose hands they're in.

So put your concerns, your worries, your fears, your hopes, -

your dreams, your families and your relationships in God's hands because,

it depends on whose hands they're in.


 Whatsoever You Do.....

Hands at work,

outstretched to welcome,

comfort, heal, draw in.

Each gesture speaking of Christ,

touching wounds and healing pain.

Each gesture touching Christ

himself hurting as we hurt,

feeling as we feel:

cold, hunger, thirst, loneliness, need.

Through each gesture we are touched ourselves.

Christ reaches out,

made flesh through human kindness.

‘This is my body’ —

these broken bodies, these damaged lives.

‘This is my body’ —

these simple gestures of humble service.

‘This is my body’ — bread of compassion, broken for you,

cup of hospitality offered to you.

‘Do this in memory of me,’ and never forget,

I have no hands but yours,

no eyes or ears,

no loving heart on earth but yours.

Wherever two or three are gathered in my name,

I am there.

Whatsoever you do to the least of these...

mine is the body you touch,

mine the hands reaching out.

Gemma Simmonds – Glimpses of the Divine

"Christ reaches out, made flesh through human kindness."

Help us to put you first, not last.

Teach us, Lord, that, however busy we are,

however frenetic our lifestyle,

we need time to ponder,

time for you.

Forgive us that that we relegate you

to the margins of our lives,

believing we have more important things to do,

more pressing concerns to see to.

Remind us that you have the words of eternal life,

the answer to our inner hunger and true needs,

and so, in our list of daily priorities,

help us to put you first, not last.

Nick Fawcett - Light Shines

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